
For a schedule of class times, click on the “Class-Schedule” useful link at the bottom of any page.

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CARNIVAL 1-4 pmHyungs, Basic ActnHyungs, Basic ActnHyungs, Basic ActnHyungs, Basic ActnHyungs, Basic ActnHyungs, Basic Actn
Self D including wristgrabs. Il Soo SikSelf D including wristgrabs. Il Soo SikSelf D including wristgrabs. Il Soo SikSelf D including wristgrabs. Il Soo SikSelf D including wristgrabs. Il Soo SikSelf D including wristgrabs. Il Soo Sik
Hyungs with emphasis on Stances, Power, Effort, History test Q’sHyungs with emphasis on Stances, Power, Effort, History test Q’sHyungs with emphasis on Stances, Power, Effort, History test Q’sHyungs with emphasis on Stances, Power, Effort, History test Q’sHyungs with emphasis on Stances, Power, Effort, History test Q’sHyungs with emphasis on Stances, Power, Effort, History test Q’s
Il Soo Sik, Hyungs review if time.Il Soo Sik, Hyungs review if time.Il Soo Sik, Hyungs review if time.Il Soo Sik, Hyungs review if time.Il Soo Sik, Hyungs review if time.B.BELT TESTING. No
regular classes
All curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsDEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR TESTINGAll curriculum, HISTORY Qs
All curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsAll curriculum, HISTORY QsMADISON HTS GUP TESTING no regular classes
B.Belt promotions. 4
pm. Invitation only.
Breaking & Weapons
Livonia Gup Tests
except Dragons &
Red Belts
Breaking & WeaponsBreaking & Weapons

Livonia Dragons test
Breaking & Weapons

Livonia Red Belt test
6 pm
Breaking & WeaponsPROMOTIONS MH 10 am class. LIV 6 pm